Jul 11, 2020
Conversation with Tim Koller, a core leader of McKinsey & Company’s Corporate Finance Practice.
“WHAT is the most influential contemporary book about the world economy? An obvious choice is Capital in the Twenty First Century, a 696 page analysis of inequality by Thomas Piketty, a French economist. There is another candidate: Valuation, an 825page manual on corporate finance and shareholder value. Some 700,000 copies of it encumber the bookshelves of MBA students, investors and chief executives around the globe…The sixth edition of Valuation, published last year, a quarter of a century after the first, is a reminder of why shareholder value is still the most powerful idea in business and why many criticisms thrown at it are unfair.” – The Economist
“A 'how-to' guide for corporate executives who want to get at the unrealized shareholder values trapped in public companies.” ―New York Times
“The book's clarity and comprehensive coverage make it one of the best practitioners' guides to valuation.” ―Financial Times